Thursday, December 17, 2009

Slow going for exponential and quadratic functions units

The latest on these two units is that they are in the process of a re-write. As I taught the lessons for each I had too many examples, processes and just good stuff come up that wasn't included in the original investigations. Some shuffling needed to be done to accommodate these new ideas... so I'm hesitant to post the changes yet. I really want to take a good second look at them before they go live.

Keep posted. I am still looking at the end of Febuary for a complete first draft to be complete of the whole alg 1 textbook.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

exponential functions links

Here are two great links that can be used withe unit on exponential functions:

This link takes a look at several common fractels and what happens as the number of iterations increases

This link involves paper folding and has some impressive (not intuitive) results: